Written and directed by Matt Slaybaugh
Original songs by Whitney Thomas Eads
and Matt Slaybaugh
May 9 - 25, 2019
Riffe Center Studio
77 South High St.
Brian Gray, Adam Humphrey, Kara Jobe, Jason Kientz, Elena M. Perantoni, Epiphany Pope, Dakota Thorn, and Michelle Weiser.
Thursday, May 9 @ 8pm (w/ talkback)
Friday, May 10 @ 8pm (w/ talkback)
Saturday, May 11 @ 8pm
Sunday, May 12 @ 2pm
Friday, May 17 @ 8pm (w/ talkback)
Saturday, May 18 @ 8pm
Sunday, May 19 @ 2pm
Thursday, May 23 @ 8pm (w/ talkback)
Friday, May 24 @ 8pm (w/ talkback)
Saturday, May 25 @ 8pm
A bedazzled history lesson – with songs! A gender-puzzle of a revue, satirizing the worst dictators and despots of the last 200 years.
You too can become a dictatorial autocrat!
This presentation delivers the guidance and historical perspective YOU need to arouse the passions of the people, ignite a populist revolution, seize control of the government, and achieve your life goals. This is your musical roadmap to the seat of power!
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Dirty Math, Madeleine Albright. Schoolhouse Rock, vogue-ing, Bon Jovi